Just Checking In…

Hi! I haven’t written a blog since before Christmas, not really out of choice, I’ve had all sorts of not very nice stuff to deal with, that’s still ongoing, but as they say…’the show must go on’…and also the bills must be paid!

I started writing this over a week ago, and then as usual, stuff got in the way, but I’m going to leave it as it is anyway…

I’m not sure this blog really has a theme to it, I just felt that I should write something, so it doesn’t look like I’ve forgotten all about my website.

So, you might have noticed a few changes to my website over the last few months. Perhaps the main one being my new logo. I’d been thinking about changing to using my full name for a little while now as so many people didn’t realise that the “fine’ part was actually a description of what I make - fine jewellery, rather than my name. The trouble is, as much as I do like my actual surname, it’s a bloody pain to spell. I used to get told off at school because as a 4 year old I couldn’t spell my own surname!! My spelling hasn’t improved much to be honest, but I can now “just” about spell it. It’s mine though, it’s who I am, and I do kind of like that somewhere many generations back in time, I have some celtic roots!

As well as my logo change, my business structure has also changed a bit too. On the outside, it won’t look any different, but the last few months (and years really) of trauma have caused me so much stress and anxiety, and have made it very difficult for me to keep on top of the “business” side of things. I’m doing it, but it’s really had a detrimental effect on my mental health, so as of today (I’m writing this on the first day of the new tax year), I’m going to be enlisting a bit of extra business help, and taking (or at least trying to) one or two days a week as research and development (which is really my mental health therapy) time.

This ‘might’ actually result in some exciting new work, it might mean more blog writing, or it might just be about giving me some breathing space. I don’t know yet, and all options are fine as it’s a journey of healing.

For those of you reading this that are waiting for a commission slot, please don’t worry. I’m definitely still going to be doing that. As I already said, making is my therapy and creating is something I just ‘need’ to do. I absolutely love turning those little piles of old and unworn jewels into pieces that make my clients smile (and sometimes even cry happy tears). I truly do believe jewellery is meant to be worn and bring joy in doing so, and I always want to be able to help that happen!

Finally, every blog needs some pictures, so those featured are some of the pieces that I’ve finished since my last blog back in December. I’ll ‘try’ to wrote a bit more regularly from now on. x
