Blog Challenge Day 5 - New Ideas

I’m always thinking of new ideas. Most of time, because of the need to earn money, they are ideas based on my clients design briefs, so it pretty rare these days that I get to just be an artist and design something new. There are always new ideas, kicking around in my head though, its just often difficult to find the time to get them onto paper (well, ipad screen) and then even more difficult to turn them into a real life thing! 

 So, to the one or two people who are actually reading this - you are very lucky to be the first to see these designs. I was hoping to have some samples made up for The Eclectic Wedding Extravaganza, but it’s now only 5 days away so that’s looking unlikely. 

I’ve just heard today that yellow gold is making a bit of a comeback. I’m not a massive fan of it on it’s own, but I do love to combine different coloured metals. So that’s the idea with these rings. I guess they’re kind of inspired by old buildings and the combination of different textures that occur when things start growing out of cracks in the walls! I want to convey that just because something is old, or different, or imperfect (whatever that means!), it doesn’t mean that it’s not beautiful. 


Blog Challenge Day 6 - ETSY Friends...


November Blog Challenge Day 4 - Out of The Workshop